The consciousness of using reflective vest needs to be enhanced


Recently, students at Hellesdon High school were given reflective vests to wear and stickers for their bicycles as part of an initiative launched by Norfolk Constabulary after local residents complained about being unable to see youngsters due to the color of clothing they were wearing and not having any bicycle lights.

According to the local newspaper, the advertiser, the Hellesdon and Horsford Neighbourhood Policing Team, which has launched the initiative, will be telling children seen cycling without reflective clothing or stickers on their bikes to dismount and walk instead. Police will also contact parents or carers to inform them that their child had put themselves at risk on the road, and their purpose is to work with the school and students to reduce the risk of being injured by not being seen by other road users. 

After being given safety vests, the children at a school in Norwich face being ordered by police to get off their bikes and walk on the pavement unless they are wearing reflective safety gear during the hours of darkness, although there is no legal requirement for cyclists, whatever their age, to do so. The policeman only can control a small area of people, since no wearing reflective gears is not illegal for the cyclists.

However, the people who really realized the protection of the safety vest or reflective tape just a little. For instance, the Cycle Safety page on the Norfolk Constabulary website advises cyclists to “always use bike lights when travelling in the dark or in conditions of reduced visibility,” but makes no mention of wearing high-visibility clothing or other reflective equipment.

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